Goodbody upgrades forecast for Irish economy, Ikea’s Irish sales and new tax compliance unit

Business Today: best news, analysis and comment from ‘Irish Times’ business desk

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has much to ponder as the European Commission, France and the Austrian presidency push for acceptance on an EU digital sales tax. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Goodbody Stockbrokers has upgraded its forecasts for the Irish economy, and is now predicting domestic demand growth of 6 per cent for 2018, up from 4.8 per cent previously, as strong employment growth is set to put upward pressure on wages.

Swedish home furnishings giant Ikea achieved Irish sales of €181.5 million for the year to the end of August, up 7.4 per cent year on year. Mark Paul scrutinises the figures.

Revenue is set to create a new division with 380 tax-collection specialists focused on ensuring compliance by people with incomes of €500,000 or more, or significant property and capital portfolios. As Fiona Reddan reports, this is part of a wider restructuring of the State agency.

Centric Health funding deal

Centric Health, which owns primary care centres and GP practices across the country, has secured a long-term funding deal of more than €50 million, following an investment in the group earlier this year by merchant bank Rothschild. Mark Paul has the details.


EU digital sales tax

Our Paris correspondent Lara Marlowe was in Brussels on Tuesday as European Union finance ministers debated the proposed EU-widedigital sales tax. In her analysis, Lara plots the various twists and turns as France and the Austrian presidency seek to persuade Ireland and other member states to back what has become a political hot potato.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times