Harney names Irish Shell chief as new FAS chairman

The new chairman of FAS, the State training agency, is to be Mr Patrick Lynch, the Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade…

The new chairman of FAS, the State training agency, is to be Mr Patrick Lynch, the Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Ms Harney, confirmed last night. Mr Lynch, who is the managing director of Irish Shell, graduated as an engineer from UCG in 1957.

Ms Harney also named a new FAS board. The members are: Mr William Attley, SIPTU; Mr Gerry Fleming, SIPTU; Ms Alice Prendergast, TUI; Mr Owen Wills, Technical Engineering and Electrical Union; Mr Joe Morgan, Mercury Engineering; Mr Brian Geoghegan, IBEC; Mr Plev Ellis, Gypsum Industries; Ms Cathy Crowley, Comer International; Mr Dermot Lacey, National Youth Council of Ireland; Mr Colm Breslin, Department of Finance; Mr John Hynes, Social Welfare Services; Mr Paddy McDonagh, director of higher education; Cllr Dermot O'Callaghan, Killarney hotelier; Mr Seamus O Morain, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment; Ms Bernadette Corridan, FAS; and Mr Robert Byrne, FAS.