Irish space tech projects win contracts in Covid fight

Skytek satellite links to Ireland’s disease reporting system to issue alerts when cases spike

Dublin-based space software company Skytek has won a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to provide a satellite-enabled platform to link into Ireland’s Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting (CIDR) system to generate alerts when numbers of suspected cases spike. Photograph: Nasa

Two Irish companies’ space technology expertise are set to be used to help in fight against Covid-19.

Dublin-based space software company Skytek has won a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA), of which the Republic is a member, to provide a satellite-enabled platform to link into Ireland's Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting (CIDR) system to generate alerts when numbers of suspected cases spike.

The principle users will include acute hospitals, Irish public health authorities, the community health sector, the National Ambulance Service, general practitioners and contract pharmacies, nursing homes and public health supply contractors.

Cork-based PMD Solutions, in partnership with Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, have also won an ESA contract for a space-enabled wearable device to monitor respiratory compromised patients in the community.


The two projects are supported through the Irish Government’s investment in the ESA’s programme in advanced communications satellite technologies and systems.

"I am very pleased to see further examples of Irish technology companies leading the way in developing innovative technologies to help mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic," said Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English.

Tom Kelly, divisional manager with Enterprise Ireland, said: "Space technology pushes boundaries and the solutions associated with this innovation have application in a variety of settings, including tackling the world-wide Covid-19 pandemic. We expect to see further innovations from Irish companies in the coming months supported through the Government's investment in ESA."