Results: Eventbrite. Indicators: Irish construction PMI (Oct), CSO trade statistics (Sep). Meetings: Fáilte Ireland unveils plans for 2019 (Croke Park, Dublin).
Results: DCC, Hibernia REIT, Premier Foods, Home Depot.
Indicators: Euro zone economic sentiment index (Nov); UK unemployment (Sep), average earnings (Sep); German inflation (Oct), economic sentiment index (Nov), current conditions (Nov); US business optimism index (Oct), consumer inflation expectations (Oct). Meetings: British Irish Chamber of Commerce seminar on how culture, arts, sports and tourism (CAST) sectors can meet Brexit challenges (Belfast); Irish Self Catering Federation's annual conference (Clayton Hotel, Liffey Valley, Dublin).
Hibernia Reit results
Hibernia REIT releases H1 results on Tuesday not long before the anticipated completion of its landmark 1 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay development, a key point of interest for the property company.
Anticipating strong numbers for the period, Davy noted that valuer Cushman and Wakefield had been assuming a rental value of €56.19 per square foot and a yield of 4.5 per cent, while media speculation had put it as high as €60.
“The ratings of all the Irish Reits and the Irish stock market have declined largely on assumptions of a slowdown in net asset value (NAV) and earnings growth,” it said.
“However, NAV upgrades continue for all of the Irish Reits and, consequently, they have all outperformed the Iseq over the last 18 months.”
Elsewhere in the portfolio, development progress continues at its 2WML and HBRN projects.
Goodbody is forecasting net rental income of €26.4 million (+12 per cent year-on-year in the first half) which on an annualised basis equates to €52.2 million and growth of 6.4 per cent.
It said growth has been tempered by the sale of New Century House (and its €3 million rent roll) in September for €65.3 million.
“The Dublin market stabilised from a valuation perspective in 2018, yet occupier take-up is strong, supply is balanced, and investor demand remains robust,” it said.

Results: Gap.
Indicators: Irish residential property prices (Sep); Euro zone GDP growth (Q3), industrial production (Sep); UK inflation (Oct), PPI input and output (Oct), retail price index (Oct); German GDP growth flash (Q3); US inflation (Oct). Meetings: Eversheds Sutherland breakfast seminar on leadership, accountability and culture in financial services (Merrion Hotel, Dublin); International Simmons Leadership Conference on women's business and civic leadership (Citywest Hotel, Dublin).
‘Disprupt the ordinary’
Considering itself the “preeminent authority” on women’s leadership, the international Simmons Leadership Conference arrives in Dublin on Tuesday and Wednesday with the theme “Disrupt the Ordinary”.
It is a welcome new era of events and movements focusing on the role of women in business, politics and positions of influence and the Simmons conference, while long established, is nevertheless a headline event.
This year’s focus is on “the need to change how we think, behave, and do business in an era of accelerating innovation”.
For almost four decades now it has attracted thousands of middle to senior level women from companies and organisations around the globe.
In the past its status has been exemplified by a pantheon of speakers that has included Madeline Albright, Benazir Bhutto, Hillary Clinton, Diane Keaton, Michelle Obama, Mary Robinson and Oprah Winfrey among them.
This year’s list includes Malala Yousafzai and Nobel laureate Leymah Gbowee.
In between formal sessions there will be the expected networking opportunities with some of the 500 women executives attending. This year it is Dublin; future locations will include Berlin and Geneva.
Results: Walmart. Indicators: Irish balance of trade (Sep), imports and exports (Sep); Euro zone balance of trade (Sep); UK retail sales (Oct); US export and import prices (Oct), retail sales (Oct). Meetings: Women in Tech Dublin conference (Convention Centre Dublin); ESRI Annual Geary Lecture: Globalisation and the Irish Economy with Central Bank governor Philip Lane (Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin).
Indicators: Euro zone inflation (Oct); German wholesale prices (Oct); US industrial and manufacturing production (Oct). Meetings: Small Firms Association (SFA) annual lunch (Mansion House, Dublin).