Hibernian premium rise likely

After raising its premiums by 20 per cent last year, policyholders with Hibernian Insurance are facing another substantial increase…

After raising its premiums by 20 per cent last year, policyholders with Hibernian Insurance are facing another substantial increase in the current year.

Hibernian managing director Mr Pat McGorrian said: "I would be surprised if there is no increase this year and I would be surprised if the increase is more than single figures."

Mr McGorrian was speaking after Hibernian - the Irish arm of British insurance giant CGNU - reported operating profits for 2001 of €156 million (£123 million), a rise of 28 per cent.

Gross premiums rose 37 per cent to €1.93 billion, with life and pensions sales up 26 per cent to €104 million and operating profits 13 per cent higher on €127 million.


General insurance premiums rose from €643 million to €845 million with operating profits recovering from €7.2 million to €26.3 million.