Homeowners hoping for interest rate reprieve

Homeowners will be hoping for a further reprieve on Thursday when the European Central Bank announces its decision on interest…

Homeowners will be hoping for a further reprieve on Thursday when the European Central Bank announces its decision on interest rates.

The Eurozone economy appears to be sinking deeper into recession, so economists are expecting a 0.5 per cent cut which would bring rates down to 2 per cent.


Results:Alcoa; Dynatronics

Meetings:Half-day conference on the current economic crisis arranged by UCD School of Economics in association with Dublin Economics Workshop (Royal College of Physicians, Kildare St, D2); Global Economy Meeting (GEM) of central bank heads from leading industrial and emerging economies (Basel, Switzerland)

Indicators:Irish Industrial Stocks (Q3) and Capital Assets in Industry (Q3); UK NIESR GDP; Australian ANZ Job Advertisements; Canadian New Housing Price Index; New Zealand NZIER Business Opinion Survey; Japanese Current Account Total


Results:China Green; Infosys Technologies

Meetings:Debenhams agm; Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gives Josiah Charles Stamp Memorial Lecture on "The Crisis and the Policy Response" (London School of Economics); ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet to attend European Parliament ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the euro (Strasbourg)

Indicators:Irish Live Register Additional Tables (Dec); US Treasury Budget (Dec) and IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism and ABC Consumer Confidence; UK BRC December Retail Sales Monitor and Total Trade Balance; Japanese Bankruptcies; Canadian International Merchandise Trade; New Zealand Building Permits Others: 7th Global SME Partnership Summit (Mumbai, to 14th); trading updates from Premier Foods, SIG, Taylor Wimpey and Tesco


Results:Mercantile Bank; Xilinx Meetings: Punch Taverns agm

Indicators:EU Industrial Production; US Retail Sales (Dec), Business Inventories (Nov) and Crude Inventories; German GDP; Japanese Business Inventories; Australian Investment Lending Others: OECD publishes its latest economic survey of the Euro area (Paris); British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will hold talks on the economy with Chancellor Angela Merkel (Berlin)


Results:BancFirst; Genentech; Intel

Indicators:EU New Car Registrations and CPI-Core; Irish Consumer Price Index (Dec); US Core PPI (Dec), Initial Jobless Claims and PPI (Dec); German CPI; Australian Employment Change; Canadian New Motor Vehicle Sales; New Zealand QV House Prices Others: ECB Announces Interest Rates; Trading updates from Barratt Development, Carphone Warehouse and HMV



Meetings:Anglo Irish Bank egm (Mansion House)

Indicators:EU Trade Balance; Irish Index of Employment in Construction (Dec); US CPI (Dec), Capacity Utilisation (Dec), Total Net TIC Flows, Industrial Production (Dec) and Mich Sentiment-Prel (Jan)

Others:Trading update from Smiths