IAPF publishes guide to AVCs

The Irish Association of Pension Funds has published a consumer guide to Additional Voluntary Contributions

The Irish Association of Pension Funds has published a consumer guide to Additional Voluntary Contributions. The guide defines AVCs as extra contributions employees can make to their pension scheme. These contributions are made on a voluntary basis, providing contributors with access to a long-term, tax-efficient savings vehicle, a variety of investment options and, ultimately, the prospect of enhancing their retirement benefits.

The purpose of the guide is to educate and inform members of Irish pension schemes about AVCs. It contains general information on contributions, investments and benefits payable. The guide also contains an appendix outlining the main fund categories and their risk/return profiles and suitability. Copies of the guide to AVCs are available free from the association's office at (01) 661 2427 and on its website: www.iapf.ie.