In His Own Words

You cannot resolve problems by simply addressing the negative. You also have to look for positive things to do.

You cannot resolve problems by simply addressing the negative. You also have to look for positive things to do.

On why Bank of Ireland bought two more banks in the US despite its huge problems in New Hampshire.

We could have sat there and the bank would have continued to do well. But in business I don't think you can stand still. Either you are going forward or you are going backward.

On the decision to back First New Hampshire into Citizens Financial Group in a joint venture deal with Bank of Scotland which gave Bank of Ireland 23.5 per cent of a larger US bank.


Over the last seven years I have been lost in admiration for the domestic branch banking system. Instead of complaining about the problems in other jurisdictions they just put their heads down and ensured that their part of the business was strong and healthy.

On how the Irish branch banking system supported the group through the problems in the US and Britain.

What the customer wants we have to deliver as long as it makes economic sense.

On facing new competition from supermarkets.

There is a great future in the pension business with an ageing population and an onus on people to provide for their own long-term needs.

On the decision to buy New Ireland.

I will never be idle. It is a terrific luxury to be able to retire at age 60. It is possible to take on things and do things that would not be available to you five years later. My only concern at the moment is that I will be more busy than I want to be. But I feel you need a certain mass of involvement to ensure that you keep up to date on what's going on in business. What I like about the future is the diversity that the very different interests provide. I am not interested in getting too deeply involved in financial services . . . I will enjoy having more time for fishing, shooting and country life, gardening and golf.

On his retirement.