In His Own Words

I think the Irish work to live, whereas the Japanese live to work. On differing attitudes between the Irish and the Japanese.

I think the Irish work to live, whereas the Japanese live to work. On differing attitudes between the Irish and the Japanese.

They take a long time to make decisions, whereas Irish people move much quicker. On Japanese decision-making.

There will have to be some belt tightening but they are experts at that. On the recent market slump in Asia and the threat to the Japanese economy.

We have to be able to think in terms of goods that can be produced anywhere and sold anywhere.


On Mitsubishi's attempts to create a trans-national company, as opposed to a multinational company.

With today's consumer literally bombarded by advertising messages. . . clear and simple branding is essential if a company's product is to survive in the morass of media messages.

On the challenge for companies trying to establish a brand-name.

The battle is on to be first out of the blocks when digital television really takes off.

On the future.

We also must look forward to the development of interactive television. On further ahead.

It would be nice. . . to be able to bring something as big as that back into Ireland.

On the prospect of Mitsubishi establishing a manufacturing facility in Ireland.

I don't need to adapt to Japanese business culture, they adapt to western culture, while at the same time staying faithful to their own ways. On being an "outsider".

Years ago everyone competed on price, but with the improvements in the economy, there is more demand for quality by customers.

Describing the changing buying habits of the Irish consumer.

We realise that if you take from the community you must give something back. On building the company's roots here.