In short

Other technology stories in brief

Other technology stories in brief

Technology 'a shield' against recession

A technology cluster effect will shield Ireland's economy from the worst effects of higher labour costs and the strength of the euro, according to a US economist. Dr J Matthew Fannin, assistant professor at Louisiana State University, produced a study for Letterkenny-based Pramerica Systems which found the cluster effect will help Ireland attract and retain higher-value technology jobs and services.

SingStar available for Playstation 3


SingStar, the popular Karaoke-like games franchise that has shipped more than 11 million copies, is now available on high-capacity Blu-ray Disc for Playstation 3 with 30 new tracks. As well as being able to croon along to new tracks from artists like the Killers, Eminem and Gorillaz, SingStar Vol 2 features a new harmony duet mode and a PSP remote play function.

Complex trip planner developed

They might not be able to help with the inclement summer weather but NUI Galway's Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) has teamed up with start-up Tourist Republic to create a new web tool which will allow travellers to plan complex trips. TripPlanr, which is being developed at a cost of €200,000 with support from Enterprise Ireland, will combine information from a variety of sources including's traveller recommendations with information from airlines and accommodation providers. DERI's expertise in information mining and Web 2.0 applications will allow TripPlanr to filter data and make recommendations based on the preferences of the traveller and their social network.

Order processing contract won

Spanish Point, a start-up based at the Guinness Enterprise Centre in Dublin, has won a €400,000 contract provide Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) with a new order processing and business process management platform. The system allows OSI to integrate its sales, map production and financial management systems.

Established in 2005, Spanish Point expects to double its profits and create six new jobs in the next 12 months.

Wi-Fi network for Docklands

Dublin Docklands Development Authority (DDDA) has teamed up with broadband provider 3PlayPlus to launch a Wi-Fi network which will cover the entire Docklands area by the middle of 2009. The first phase of DockNet will cover the Grand Canal Dock area with coverage being rolled out in other areas in coming months. Users will be able to access 10 websites, including,,, and, for free but general internet access will cost €6 an hour.

Software firm has US subsidiary

As a result of winning a contract with the state of Georgia, Antrim-based software firm Consilium Technologies has established a US subsidiary. Atlanta-based TotalMobile opened for business this week and expects to create 15-30 jobs over the next 18 months.