Tony Spollen is a well-known former AIB internal auditor turned whistler-blower. In this short and reflective book, he shares his observations on how to succeed and be happy in life.
Too many of us concentrate on material wellbeing, he says, at the expense of our ability to make the most of each moment. Health is by far the most important asset that we possess and one we should guard carefully.
Too many in business also suffer from stress and anxiety.
Anxiety, he says, is a poison that has ruined the lives of many people. He recommends slow, shallow breathing ay through your nose as a simple technique that will keep you calm in challenging times. When you feel good, your thin- king will be clear and you will be able to deal with worries. Solutions will begin to emerge.
A positive approach pays huge dividends. He cites the example of a friend who set up a business that delivered his product ahead of promised schedules, settled bills ahead of expectations and treated staff exceptionally well.
Although money was not his prime motivator, his positive approach helped to make him a fortune. This interesting and highly accessible book can be digested in a couple of hours.