Brand Romance. Yasushi Kusume, Neil Gridley. Palgrave Macmillan. €34.99

Brand Romance
Author: Yasushi Kusume , Neil Gridley
ISBN-13: 9781137369000
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Guideline Price: €248

For brands to succeed in a competitive environment they need to build a ‘loving’ relationship with their audiences, say the authors of this book. Brands, they say, need to construct an emotional engagement with audiences, so that they can make a genuine connection both to the brand and what it offers.

Much as parents offer unconditional love to their children, a ‘loved’ brand offers unconditional love to its specific audience. Just like parents, a brand should not expect any return of that love.

Through 15 'commitments', Brand Romance reveals how to use so-called 'high design' principles to build a truly effective brand. High design goes beyond the usual rational, quantitative measures, to analyse the role that emotion can play in building loyalty and to emphasise the importance of the holistic brand experience, so that it is meaningful to everyone from customers to stakeholders.

The book integrates business, research and design to explore how to build a long- term and loving relationship with your audience, based on the principles of clear communication, in-depth understanding, innovation, sharing and nurture.