Inside Business podcast: “I have no plan. It’s too scary to even think about”

The ongoing tracker mortgage scandal with David Hall and tracker mortgage victim Marian Kenny

Paschal Donohoe said most people would be compensated by the end of they eyar. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons /The Irish Times

A woman who says she was taken off her tracker mortgage by Permanent TSB without her knowledge in 2006, has described her future as "too scary to even think about".

On today's Inside Business podcast, Marian Kenny tells Ciarán Hancock that she sees no use in naming and shaming the banks involved in the tracker mortgage scandal because "you need to have a conscience to feel shame".

In the second part of the show, chief executive of Irish Mortgage Holders David Hall joins Cliff Taylor to discuss how the crisis may eventually be resolved, if at all.

The panel also reacts to the Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe’s statement on Wednesday, that most of the tracker mortgage customers who have already been identified as being affected by the scandal will receive compensation by the end of the year.

Jennifer Ryan

Jennifer Ryan is a former audio producer at The Irish Times