Irish clean-up firm to add ozone layer to its business

Irish company, Unitherm Products, will be launching its new generation of ozone generators and air sterilisers at the Clean Tech…

Irish company, Unitherm Products, will be launching its new generation of ozone generators and air sterilisers at the Clean Tech Expo in Manila in January. Its Steriloo Odour Controller for washroom hygiene, and Germazap Air Steriliser for food processing, storage and display are the latest in deodorising and sterilising technology.

The company's staff has grown from five in 1993 to 26 today. Unitherm expects to employ 60 people next year as it responds to increasing concern over bacterial contamination of meat and other food products.

Last year, Unitherm's exports exceeded 50 per cent of total turnover - much of its business is in the south-east Asian market - and now the company is working with An Bord Trachtala to develop trade in Britain and Europe.