Irish site to supply service to Companies House

An Irish developed Internet business site has been approved to provide direct online access to Companies House in Britain

An Irish developed Internet business site has been approved to provide direct online access to Companies House in Britain. This is the first time a third-party organisation has been allowed to avail of the information, which contains details of 1.2 million companies currently registered in Britain.

Known as BusinessGold, it is a new service from IFG Technology and Development, a subsidiary of the IFG Group. Developed at a cost of around £1 million (€1.27 million), the online business service allows users access information on companies, industries, markets, judgments, stocks and news. It features online access to companies' information from Dun & Bradstreet, Financial Times, and ENKI CFI (Company Formations International).

The service which costs an initial £10 per month provides newsfeeds from 12,000 global publications and data can be personalised to the user's requirements.