Irish technology and telecom funds available

Aberdeen Global Technology Fund: launched in the Republic in association with BCP Stockbrokers

Aberdeen Global Technology Fund: launched in the Republic in association with BCP Stockbrokers. Minimum investment is $1,500 or other currency equivalent which currently comes to around £1,220. The initial entry charge is 5 per cent and there is an annual management fee of 1.75 per cent.

Friends First EFund: also available through Anglo Irish Bank. Minimum investment of £5,000 is required. The company charges a bid/offer spread of 5 per cent and an annual management fee of 1.25 per cent.

Hibernian Investment Managers Telecoms Fund: has been running since last June. The minimum investment is £3,000 and the company charges an annual management fee of 1 per cent and a bid/offer spread of a maximum 5 per cent to get into the fund although this is reduced for larger investments.

Hibernian also says its charging structure for single premium investments is currently under review.


Irish Life TechScope and TeleScope: both funds are part of the Scope range of mutual funds. Minimum investment is £2,000. There is no bid/offer spread but there is an early exit charge if you cash in the investment before five years.

This charge is 5 per cent in year one and reduces by one percentage point each year to nothing after year five. The annual management charge is 1.5 per cent of the value of the fund.