John Moran to address conference on business growth

Former chief executive of Department of Finance to attend meeting at Thomond Park

John Moran, the former secretary general at the Department of Finance will be among the speakers.Photograph: Alan Betson

A conference entitled Managing our Assets – Fuelling Business Growth is being held on Thursday January 28th in Thomond Park by the Limerick Chamber. Among the speakers are former Department of Finance secretary general John Moran, chairman of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Prof John McHale, who will talk about sources of growth in the economy and MACX3 Investments and Consulting, and former chief executive of Kentz Engineering Group Hugh O’Donnell.

Executive vice president and chief economist at Northern Trust Carl Tannenbaum will give a keynote address on the European economy. General manager of Uber in Ireland Kieran Harte will talk about leading and adapting to change.