Laid-back Celtic tigers top European napping league

Listless, unfulfilled, prone to nodding off at a desk or in the loo - surely they can't be talking about us?

Listless, unfulfilled, prone to nodding off at a desk or in the loo - surely they can't be talking about us?

Apparently they are. In a survey that shatters the myth of the Irish as an energetic, loquacious race, we are revealed to be the workforce in Europe most likely to fall asleep on the job.

Nearly 40 per cent of Irish workers admitted to dozing on company time - with more than one in 10 drifting off during meetings.

This places us at the top of the European napping league, ahead of Britain (where 35 per cent said they had slept in the office), Germany (21 per cent) and the perky Netherlands (16 per cent).


When not snoozing around the conference table, we enjoy snatching forty winks at the desk and in the toilet, according to research by online recruitment agency Monster. Attempts to establish why the Irish are so sleep-prone were reported to have proved inconclusive as most respondents were by that stage slumped face down and snoring at volume.

In view of the famously laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle, Monster's findings that Spanish and Italians workers are among the least likely in Europe to fall asleep at work will surprise many.

Long hours and a fondness for mid-week outings to the pub may contribute to the state of near-permanent exhaustion from which many Irish workers apparently suffer, Monster suggests.

Sleeping at work is also a sign of a non-motivated and over-stretched workforce," said Mr Alan Townsend, managing director of Monster Europe.

"Sleepy workers are a pricey expense for businesses, since their productivity and the quality of their work is negatively affected." He advises managers to keep staff on their toes by entrusting them with duties appropriate to their abilities.

"Employers should encourage workers to take breaks throughout the day and ensure job descriptions match the expectations of candidates. Over-qualified employees will get bored in their jobs much quicker than those who find their work more challenging."

A high-protein diet, plenty of caffeine and adequate fresh air are some of Monster's tips to avoid sleeping through your working day. If none of those work, it also recommends a proper night's sleep.