Leading the way Cork tech summit opens

Silicon Valley comes to Ireland this week with the Global Leaders Technology Summit starting in Cork today.

Silicon Valley comes to Ireland this week with the Global Leaders Technology Summit starting in Cork today.

The city will be a "who's who" of technology and innovation, with a number of high-profile speakers including Disney vice-president Una Fox (above), Elan chief information officer Kevin Barrett and Intel vice-president Rory McInerney. Also speaking at the event will be a number of Cork-grown global success stories such as PCH chief executive Liam Casey, Cisco senior vice-president Barry O'Sullivan, CoderDojo founder James Whelton, and Sean O'Donoghue, chief technology officer at Madison Square Garden.

Start-ups and early-stage companies will be able to pitch to venture capitalists and investors from the US, China and Russia in Dragons Den-style sessions.