Litec to create 50 jobs in Sligo

A total of 50 new jobs are to be created in Sligo, with the announcement yesterday that the German company, Litec Moulding Ltd…

A total of 50 new jobs are to be created in Sligo, with the announcement yesterday that the German company, Litec Moulding Ltd, is to set up a £4 million (€5.08 million) manufacturing and design centre on a greenfield site in the town.

The announcement was made by the Tanaiste, Ms Harney, who said the IDA-backed project reinforced the commitment made by the Government to bring more jobs to the regions.

She said the investment was ideally suited to Sligo because of the skills available locally. The town's Institute of Technology had played an important role by providing appropriate courses.

The new plant will produce injection-moulded components for aerosol valves. There will also be a design centre at the plant.