With London and New York closed for different holidays, the Irish market drifted in thin trading and there is no clear direction for today's session. But it is likely that bar a bounce in New York, Irish shares will struggle to make any gains with the negative tone towards the Bank of Ireland/ Alliance & Leicester merger hitting sentiment towards financial stocks. Bank of Ireland was unchanged but offered on #17.75 (£13.98) while there was little change elsewhere in the financials with AIB the same as Friday's close at #12.75 (£10.04) while Irish Life & Permanent eased five cents to #12.20 (£9.61). Industrials were no different with CRH 2 1/2 cents firmer on #16.40 (£12.92) while Smurfit - hit by Friday selling of Smurfit Stone - lost four cents to #2.46 (£1.94).