Live Register at its lowest level since November 1981

Unemployment fell to 139,189 in October, a decrease of 5,743 on the last month, according to the latest figures released by the…

Unemployment fell to 139,189 in October, a decrease of 5,743 on the last month, according to the latest figures released by the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs.

The Live Register is now at its lowest level since November 1981, the Department said. When seasonally adjusted, it represents a decrease of 1,400 on September and is the lowest seasonally adjusted figure since February 1982.

Figures for the number of people signing on to the Live Register as new showed a drop of 34,700 in the 12 months since the end of September last year from 299,1000 to 264,400.

In addition to the economy's buoyancy, the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs, Mr Ahern, attributed the fall in the Live Register to the range of labour market programmes, employment supports and education and training programmes available to unemployed people.


These incentives have led to savings of £79.3 million (€9.27 million) in unemployment payments for the first nine months of this year, the Minister said. Some 80 per cent of people on the Live Register received payments with the remainder either signing on for credited contributions, or awaiting decisions on their claims, the Department said. Sixty-eight per cent of the Live Register received payments in respect of a full week, with 12 per cent claiming on a part-week basis, it said.

While the fall in the Live Register was welcomed by the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed (INOU), it said it was concerned that thousands of people were still actively seeking work.

Mr Tony Monks, INOU general secretary said there was still a great deal of prejudice against people who were unemployed, with many employers sceptical of anyone who was currently out of work.

"With only five weeks to go to Budget day, the Government should be giving unemployed people assurances that this Budget will give them a decent dole increase and a real chance of getting a sustainable job," he said.