Make your choice and stick to it

Merrion Capital has highlighted some potentially high-yielding stocks from the FTSE 100 index for investors

Merrion Capital has highlighted some potentially high-yielding stocks from the FTSE 100 index for investors. Its latest Focused Investing suggests that investors should pick five of the highest yielding shares listed on the FTSE 100 with the lowest share price and then repeat this process the following year. Using this criteria, Merrion selects Corus, BAT, National Power, GUS and Scot & Newcastle. Investors who opt for these five shares should put an equal amount of money into each one and make no changes for a year, according to Merrion. It also favours the biotech sector stating that a good way to get into this growing sector is to buy Biotech Holders Trust, a fund which invests in the 20 leading biotech stocks worldwide.