Irish company ordered to pay half of liquidation cash to law firm

High Court approves $2.2m payment for US firm Nilan Johnson Lewis over ECTG Ltd

Mr Justice Paul Gilligan made a payment order for fees outstanding

The High Court has approved a $2.2 million (€2 million) payment for an American law firm for fees due to it from a liquidated Irish company.

The money for the Minneapolis-based Nilan Johnson Lewis (NJL) firm will be paid out of a sum of $4.5 million due to go to the liquidation of ECTG Ltd arising from litigation over trade secrets brought by the Irish firm, before its collapse, in the US.

ECTG was a Dublin-registered manufacturing firm wound up by the High Court last September.

The August 2014 lawsuit was settled following mediation in Minnesota last month.


The money is to be used to pay creditors, including NJL which, before the mediation, was owed $1.23 million.

Yesterday, Mr Justice Paul Gilligan made a payment order for fees outstanding.