Market Report - New York

Stocks closed strong yesterday as calm returned to Wall Street after a week of high anxieties over the Southeast Asian market…

Stocks closed strong yesterday as calm returned to Wall Street after a week of high anxieties over the Southeast Asian market crisis.

The Dow Jones industrial average ended up 60.41 points at 7,442.07, clawing back from Thursday's 125-point slump.

In the broader market, advancing issues outnumbered declines 20-8 on heavy volume of 633 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

The Nasdaq composite index was up 23.18 points to 1,593.59.


The benchmark 30-year US Treasury was down 6/32, which raised its yield to 6.16 per cent from Thursday's 6.14 per cent.

"Hong Kong was stable and quiet last night, so out of exhaustion and relief, Wall Street rallied," said Hugh Johnson, chief investment officer at First Albany Corp.