NTMA to sell €500m of short-term debt

Debt agency to hold auction on Thursday

The National Treasury Management Agency said on Monday it plans to auction €500 million of short-term debt this week.

The National Treasury Management Agency said on Monday it plans to auction €500 million of short-term debt this week.

The sale of the debt, known as treasury bills, which will mature in 12-month’s time, will take place on Thursday morning, the State’s debt management agency said.

Last week, the NTMA sold €1 billion of bonds, bringing the amount of long-term debt raised in capital markets so far this year to €11.1 billion. The agency has a full-year target of issuing between

That means the State’s debt-management agency has reached the mid-point of the full-year targeted bond sales range of €9 billion to €13 billion it had set earlier this year.