McEvaddy hopeful

One More Thing: Now that An Bord Pleanála has given the green light for Terminal 2 and a new runway at Dublin airport, businessman…

One More Thing:Now that An Bord Pleanála has given the green light for Terminal 2 and a new runway at Dublin airport, businessman Ulick McEvaddy is hoping that the Competition Authority will finally give him an answer to his complaint concerning access to the runway there.

"I'm expecting that this will propel them [the Competition Authority] into action," McEvaddy told The Irish Times, somewhat tongue in cheek.

It's not an unreasonable request, given that McEvaddy originally filed his complaint in August 2005. He owns land to the west of the airport and wants to build his own terminal with access to the existing runway facilities.

To date, the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) has declined permission.


McEvaddy, pictured right, argues that the runway should be open to private operators in the same way that telecoms and power supply networks were liberalised.

An Bord Pleanála's decision to knock back the DAA's request for a phase two extension of T2 has also buoyed the Mayo entrepreneur.

With passenger numbers at Dublin airport rising faster than a jumbo jet on takeoff, McEvaddy confidently predicts that the 32 million cap imposed by the planning authority will be exceeded in no time.

At which point the debate will move to building a third terminal. McEvaddy is prepared to build a privately funded terminal catering for 25 million passengers for €600 million on his greenfield site. All he needs is access to the runways.

"It has to happen," McEvaddy said. We wish him luck.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times