Pop up newspaper to be launched in UK in response to Brexit

The New European newspaper “will give voice to those who are dismayed by Brexit”

The first ever pop up newspaper is to be launched in UK in response to those who are let down by Brexit vote.  Photograph: Press Association
The first ever pop up newspaper is to be launched in UK in response to those who are let down by Brexit vote. Photograph: Press Association

The launch of a pop up newspaper has been announced by media company Archant in response to the Brexit vote.

The publication will be called the New European and only four issues are planned - any subsequent editions will depend on sales.

The paper will be printed in Berliner format and is set to go on sale on July 8th at a cost of £2.

Launch editor Matt Kelly told British newspaper the Independent, they felt there was an opportunity "to market a product at the 48 per cent of voters who "felt let down by traditional media."


The paper’s distribution will be targeted at areas which voted to stay within the EU.

“The traditional route to market [for newspapers] involves huge amounts of market research about where your target audience will be strong, but it’s been handed to us on a plate,” Mr Kelly said.

In a statement Archant said: “Every issue will be a collector’s item. After the Issue 4, every week’s sale will be a referendum on the next.”

On the New European website, the paper, a statement reads:

"The summer of 2016 will be remembered as a zeitgeist moment in British political and social history. Every Friday for four weeks a brand new weekly newspaper will play its part in this time of critical discussions. That paper is the New European.

"The New European is not aligned with old political divisions but with an enthusiasm and love for Europe; a new quality newspaper that gives voice to the values of the 48 per cent."

The New European will provide in-depth analysis of the Brexit process, its implications and progress as well as a celebration of European life and culture with contributions from some of the most respected journalists and opinion formers from the UK and Europe.

It states the newspaper will be “a cosmopolitan, optimistic, intelligent and expansive collection of news, analysis, voices, sport, culture, business, travel and the arts -that celebrates the best of Europe.”