Putting audience in older people’s shoes

A poster from Bonfire’s campaign

Kudos to Sean Hynes, Ian Doherty and Aoife Mc Loughlin at Bonfire who donated their time to create the new poster campaign for Alone, the charity that helps older people in need.

The brief from the organisation was to challenge the audience to put themselves in the shoes of vulnerable older people. The media space is also donated – with 500 Dublin Bus posters and 48 sheets running as filler advertisements from now until Christmas.

Irish Magazine Awards features new titles – and a new category
The shortlist for the Irish Magazine Awards 2013 has been announced and – reflecting the need for print publications to have a digital presence – includes a new category: Digital Product of the Year.

The nominees include apps from Accountancy Ireland and InTallaght, and magazine sites such as Confetti.ie, EuroTimes.org, Hotpress. com, ImageDaily.ie.

"It's a challenging time and our members are working really hard at brand extensions," said Grace Aungier of awards organiser Magazines Ireland. She was speaking after the Image networking breakfast on Tuesday in the Marker Hotel. "It was really well attended as usual and that's a good example of a brand extension," she said. Two new magazine titles have hit the newsstand since last year's awards, now in their 13th year. They are Bash, a wedding magazine from Image publications and Taste, from the team behind the RTÉ Guide. Both pop up on the shortlist for the awards which take place on December 5th.