Tyrone Productions Limited made €63,000 loss last year

Television firm subsidiary of Dimario Investments which has deficit of almost €3.6m

Singer Una Healy on her RTÉ show Una’s Dream Ticket, which Tyrone Productions Limited makes: the television firm suffered losses in 2014. Photograph: Kyran O’Brien

Tyrone Productions Limited, the television company founded by Moya Doherty and John McColgan, made a loss of €62,747 in 2014, according to abridged accounts recently filed at the Companies Office.

The production house makes programmes such as The High Hopes Choir and Una's Dream Ticket for RTÉ, and co-produces the TG4 soap Ros na Rún. It has shareholders' funds of €467,000, the accounts show.

Tyrone Productions (Northern Ireland) Limited separately made a loss of £47,047. Both companies are subsidiaries of Dimario Investments, which has a deficit of almost €3.6 million.

Ms Doherty resigned as a director of Tyrone and Dimario Investments late last year upon her appointment by Minister for Communications Alex White as chairwoman of RTÉ. Tyrone's sole shareholder is Mr McColgan, the theatre director who co-created Riverdance alongside Ms Doherty, a former RTÉ producer.


The married couple's company Abhann Productions, which relates to Riverdance, made a profit of about €700,000 in the year to the end of June 2014, the most recent accounts show.