Mitchell's to regain historic name

Mitchell's, the Dublin wine merchant, is on the point of regaining its historic trading name after temporarily selling it to …

Mitchell's, the Dublin wine merchant, is on the point of regaining its historic trading name after temporarily selling it to the owners of the Shelbourne Hotel just before Christmas.

The wine company's name was transferred to the Shelbourne consortium when the group of investors was buying Mitchell's Kildare street property last month.

A price for the property sale was not disclosed but experts suggest the deal would have topped €5 million. Although the Mitchell's business never changed hands, the trading name was sold with the building for tax reasons.

It is thought the structure was particularly efficient for the Mitchell family, who were the sole owners of the building and continue to own the company.


At the moment, the Mitchell's wine business is officially being run under a temporary company name, but the original entity - Mitchell & Son - is due to revert back to the firm over the coming weeks. The Mitchell & Son sign has remained above the wine shop's door at all times.

It is as yet unclear what the Shelbourne owners intend to do with the Mitchell property, but its listed status means it cannot be demolished. The building adjoins the old car park of the Shelbourne so it is possible that the hotel's parking capacity will be expanded to include space behind Mitchell's.

Peter Dunne, one of Mitchell's two directors, said that the firm would soon start to seek an alternative premises in the city centre.

Úna McCaffrey

Úna McCaffrey

Úna McCaffrey is an Assistant Business Editor at The Irish Times