Best store: Fnac. Why? Fnac has concert information and tickets, special discount promotions, great site navigation, and is the only site offering a full video download service.
Worst store: HMV. Why? The store is hard to find on the HMV site and not accessible by an obvious url; music information is poor; weak ability to browse and search music library.
Best player: iTunes. Why? Cool party shuffle feature; users can search own library by useful keywords, print playlist in the form of cover inserts, create own CD covers; converts all types of file (AAC, WMA, MP3, AIFF, WAV) to AAC and vice versa to play in jukebox and synchronized to iPod; music can be shared (published in the iTunes store).
Worst player: Sonic Stage. Why? No smart/auto playlist; ATRAC3 format can't be converted to any other format; functionality is limited; no visual effects, no playlist, no radio, songs can't be rated.