Name: John Burke

Age: 54.

Age: 54.

Position: Aer Rianta chief executive

Family: Married to Rosemary, they have four children.

Why is he in the news? The Minister for Public Enterprise, Ms O'Rourke, is expected shortly to ask the Government to float about 30 per cent of the State-owned airports company. However, the Minister for Tourism and Sport, Dr McDaid, is not in favour of the proposal and Aer Rianta workers at Shannon Airport are believed to be against the plan. Dr McDaid fears that increasing passenger landing fees would inhibit tourism while workers at Shannon - and many local political representatives - believe the Co Clare airport would be sidelined after an IPO.


Career: An Aer Rianta "lifer", Mr Burke became chief executive in 1998 having worked for the airport company since 1969. Regarded as hard-working with a loyal management team, Mr Burke has pursued the IPO strategy since last April. Though he is a quiet speaker, insiders say Mr Burke displays strong determination when negotiating. The company has been criticised, however, for not preparing sooner for the loss of its intra-EU duty-free business, which will cost it £30 million in profits this year.