NDB guide offers help to disillusioned depositers

A short informational brochure, Investing for Income: Problems and Solutions for Income Driven Investors, from National Deposit…

A short informational brochure, Investing for Income: Problems and Solutions for Income Driven Investors, from National Deposit Brokers discusses the erosion of capital in the new interest rate environment and alternatives available to investors.

"During the last five years, depositors have seen interest rates fall steadily from a high of 9.5 per cent gross for five-year money to rates of only 4 per cent gross currently on offer. This, coupled with the fact that DIRT on Special Savings Accounts (SSAs) has steadily increased from 10 per cent to 20 per cent has resulted in a position whereby depositors who have been relying on their capital to generate an income have seen this level of income effectively halved."

The brochure discusses the investor's new dilemma in plain language and covers: inflation, declining interest rates, and the high DIRT rates on SSAs. Choosing the right product and simplified definitions of the alternatives such as distribution bonds and with-profit bonds are also provided. Copies may be obtained by calling Freephone: 1800 322 422.