A roundup of today's other news in brief

A roundup of today's other news in brief

• IRISH PRIVATE equity firm Beltrae is believed to have paid about £10m for Invisible Heating Systems, a Scottish geothermal energy company

• SCOTTISH FIRST Minister Alex Salmond launched a £10m prize for the first company to demonstrate commercially viable wave or tidal power over a continuous two-year period in Scottish waters

• EARTH CAPITAL Partners, a new investment firm focusing exclusively on green investments, announced plans to raise $5bn over the next five years. The firm's founder Stanley Fink is the former CEO of Man Group, the world's largest hedge fund


• FLODESIGN, a US-based wind turbine developer, claims it can halve the cost of wind energy using a new design based on jet engine technology

• CONTINENTAL AIRLINES will this month fly an engine in one of its Boeing 737-800 jets on a 50/50 blend of traditional jet fuel and biofuel

• THE MAYOR of Los Angeles earmarked $313m to install what is claimed to be the largest solar power project undertaken by any city in the world, aiming to generate 1.3GW of solar power by 2020

• JAPANESE ELECTRONICS giant Toshiba announced plans to build a pilot carbon capture and storage plant next to a coal-fired power station in Omuta City, Japan