News In Brief

DUBLIN firms OpenHydro and SSE Renewables have won rights to build tidal farms off Scotland’s northwest coast

DUBLIN firms OpenHydro and SSE Renewables have won rights to build tidal farms off Scotland’s northwest coast. ESB-backed Marine Current Turbines and Aquamarine Power, run by Irishman Martin McAdam, have also won marine energy development rights in the sea off the Orkney Islands.

SIEMENSand several other backers have invested a further €5.34 million in tidal energy firm Marine Current Turbines.

E.ONand Scottish Power have secured millions of pounds in UK government funding towards carbon capture and storage plans.

CHINAis investing in a plan to generate 15 per cent of its power from wind, solar and nuclear sources by 2020.


MAINSTREAMRenewable Power is one of 10 European firms lobbying for a European electricity supergrid.

AL GORE'SGeneration Investment Management has invested €7.4 million in Greenroad, a fuel-efficient driving technology firm.

US SMARTgrid specialist Silver Spring Networks is expected to raise up to €2.2 billion through an IPO.

BRITAIN'Slow carbon goods and services market grew 4.3 per cent last year to €125 billion.

SENSATA, whose sensors are used in solar panels, raised €423 million when it floated last month.