One Life

Name: Kieran J. Mulligan.

Name: Kieran J. Mulligan.

Title: Managing director of the Cafe Java Group and Mulligan Commercial Property Consultants.

School: Waterpark College, Waterford.

Marital status: Married to Tash.


Children: James (3) and Jemima (18 months).

Home: Sandymount.

Most important life event: Top of Empire State Building, New York 1983 - lunatic with gun gets onto ledge of building, but fortunately (for me) he jumps instead of shooting.

Biggest business break: Pascal Fuller, AIB, lending me £10,000 to open Cafe Java in 1992.

Time of getting up: 8 a.m.

Favourite breakfast: Cafe Java Breakfast Special.

Form of exercise: Rugby with Lansdowne Golden Oldies, Soccer.

Holidays: Sun, snow, any rugby tour.

Favourite TV programme: Monday Night Football.

Favourite radio programme: Sunday Supplement with Sam Smyth, Today FM.

Car: BMW.

Commuting time: Five minutes.

Favourite airline: Ryanair.

Worst thing about travel: See favourite airline.

Favourite bank: Ansbacher.

Favourite tipple: Miller Golden Draft.

Favourite pub: The Alfred D. Snow, Dunmore East, and Kielys of Donnybrook.

Favourite restaurant: The Strand Seafood restaurant and The Ship, Dunmore East.

How do you spend your free time: Golf, rugby (spectator) and kids.

Person you most admire: My parents - not least for their business inspiration.

Dying words: "Sold - to the man above."