Online broker offers 1% bonus

The online broker www.ferga

The online broker is offering a 1 per cent bonus to early investors in Canada Life's limited edition new Global Opportunity tracker bond.

The bond is 100 per cent capital guaranteed and investors can choose between an investment term of three years and six months or four years and six months.

The investment term will commence on November 26th.

The bond's performance will be linked to three stock market indices - FTSE 100, DJ Eurstoxx 50 and FTSE/Xinhua China 25 - where each index tracks the performance of the leading companies in its market.


Investors will be paid double the return on each index, subject to a maximum pre-tax return on each index of 25 per cent for the shorter-term bond and 35 per cent for the longer- term.

The return on the bond will be the average return achieved by the three indices.