Online jobs website acquired

Mr Denis O'Brien and Mr Leslie Buckley have acquired The Irish Jobs Page, the online recruitment website, in a private investment…

Mr Denis O'Brien and Mr Leslie Buckley have acquired The Irish Jobs Page, the online recruitment website, in a private investment. The consideration has not been disclosed but is thought to be in the region of £90,000. Mr O'Brien is the chief executive of Esat Telecom and Mr Buckley is a consultant and is on the telecommunications company's board. Ms Maria Mahon, who worked in Mr O'Brien's 98 FM radio station as marketing manager has been appointed chief executive of the Irish Jobs Page company. She previously worked with Bord Failte as brand manager on the Tourism Brand Ireland project. Mr Buckley has been appointed as chairman of the company.

The website ( carries a range of online vacancies and is used by both recruitment agencies and companies. It is free of charge to the job-seeker.

According to Mr Buckley, the success of the company to date is due to its former owner Mr John Feely and his management team. He said that the new owners had a number of plans to expand the company and the range and scope of the Irish Jobs Page itself to meet the specific needs of recruiters.