Online register for transparent lobbying activity launched

Details of lobbying activity must be filed every four months

Lobbyists must soon begin to log all dealings with Goverment and State officials. Picture: Getty Images.

A register for lobbying activity has been launched making public exactly who is communicating with officials in Government and the civil service.

It is being established under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 and will provide an online guide to the who’s-who of the lobbying world.

Lobbyists will be obliged by law to register activity from the beginning of September and must provide “returns” or details of lobbying activity every four months. The first of these is due by January 21, 2016.

Speaking at the launch on Thursday, chairman of the Standards Commission, Mr Justice Daniel O'Keeffe said it is a welcome development in public policy in Ireland.


“Active lobbying is an essential component to a well-functioning democracy,” he said.

“It is vital, however, that it be open and transparent. Registration will not become a legal requirement until September. We encourage all those engaged in lobbying to sign-up online over the coming weeks to familiarise themselves with the system.”

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times