Opposition to Chawke’s apartments, BBC in mourning, and housing affordability

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

The Goat Bar and Grill in Goatstown, south Dublin. Plans by Charlie Chawke to build 299 apartments, a hotel and commercial units has met with local opposition. Photograph : Laura Hutton / The Irish Times

Some 148 submissions have been received by An Bord Pleanála to publican Charlie Chawke's controversial plan to build 299 apartments, a hotel and other commercial units beside his Goat Grill pub in Goatstown, south Dublin, including from two Government ministers. In response to the large number of objections, Mr Chawke said it was a "beautiful design" that would increase the value of surrounding houses. Gordon Deegan has the story.

Assets under management in private markets in the Republic are expected to grow by an average of 14.2 per cent per annum for the next five years, reaching about €50 billion in 2025, according to new analysis by PwC. Colin Gleeson has the details.

A £20 million (€23 million) purpose-built student accommodation and retail scheme is to be developed in Belfast following the acquisition of a site by Dublin-based Elkstone Partners. Colin Gleeson reports.

Don't expect any policy changes when the Department of Finance publishes its Stability Programme Update this week. But it will still give an insight into official thinking on how the economy may rebound once restrictions have been largely lifted, and what this will mean for borrowing, writes Cantillon.


In our personal finance feature, Fiona Reddan looks at some of the key affordability metrics in the Irish property market to offer an additional insight into how things look for first-time buyers.

In Q&A, a reader wonders if they can ask to see copies of earlier wills their mother wrote. Dominic Coyle offers his view on the issue.

In her weekly media and marketing column, Laura Slattery says the BBC's desion to cancel its regular schedule of TV and radio programmes last Friday to mourn Prince Philip's death was an odd decision dating back to a pre-Netflix era.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times