Organic food producers to get Bord Bia assistance

Bord Bia has announced a Small Business Development Programme to assist Irish speciality and organic food producers in increasing…

Bord Bia has announced a Small Business Development Programme to assist Irish speciality and organic food producers in increasing their business in the Irish market. The aim is to help participants to increase their turnover in the Republic by as much as 100 per cent over the next two years.

The Irish speciality and organic food sector employs 1,500 people across the country and has a current annual turnover of around £90 million (€114.28 million). Bord Bia's strategy for the sector comprises a range of business-to-business marketing activities aimed at developing sales among retail and food service accounts.

Bord Bia's director of client services, Mr Muiris Kennedy, said: "Irish speciality and organic foods offer as yet untapped potential to the £6.6 billion Irish grocery market. Reports from markets overseas indicate increased traffic in stores because of speciality and organic foods, even in the context of contracting grocery sales.

"These premium items add value and choice to product categories. This appeals to consumers, particularly at weekends, where they tend to indulge more and purchase the premium products in each category.


"We want to assist the sector gain deserved recognition here. If the market really embraces the potential of Irish speciality and organic food, it can only be of long-term benefit to producers, retailers and consumers, who are demanding choice, innovation and the opportunity to indulge."