PAC deadlines for follow-up action.

June 2000: Completion of a general review of the Revenue Commissioners, to include the issues of independence and accountability…

June 2000: Completion of a general review of the Revenue Commissioners, to include the issues of independence and accountability, organisation, structures and practices and the desirability or otherwise of executive and non-executive Commissioners by the Department of Finance. A report will be submitted to the PAC and the report says that a new Revenue Act should follow.

June 2000: On the issue of external auditors a review group from the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment should report to the Oireachtas by this date. Legislation is to be prepared by Enterprise and the Department of Finance on a single regulator for financial services in Ireland with a report to the Oireachtas.

June 2000: The Department of Finance is to report back on considerations by its Minister for Finance of implementing the UK Inland revenue system, of having an independent auditor of financial institutions compliance.

June 2000: The Department of Finance is to report to the Committee of Public Accounts on possible conflict of interests for civil servants taking up private sector posts.


September, 2000: A full retrospective audit by the Revenue Commissioners for any DIRT tax liability, penalties and interest of all the financial institutions from 1986 to 1998 with a public report to the PAC.

December 2000: The Office of the Attorney General and the relevant department to complete a comparative study between tribunals and inquiries by committees, in light of the DIRT inquiry and report back.