Budget 2020 - what does it mean for me? Ask our experts a question

Irish Times and PwC answer personal finance budget queries online

What does Budget 2020 mean for you? Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Brexit and climate change might have been the dominant elements of Budget 2020 but there are a number of measures that will impact on the personal finances of individuals and their families.

And then there are all those areas that were left unmentioned. What will it all mean for you?

Will your children qualify for free healthcare and, if so, when? How badly will you be affected by the carbon tax increase? And was your much needed welfare payment increased or left untouched?

Get in touch with our Live Online Budget Q&A team – Beryl Power, tax director at PwC and deputy business editor Dominic Coyle.


- Send your questions to us here.

- We'llanswer them online here from 7am on Wednesday.

Dominic Coyle

Dominic Coyle

Dominic Coyle is Deputy Business Editor of The Irish Times