‘I am trying to find the money equivalent of the Goldilocks zone’

Me & My Money: Jack Rogers, Newgrange Gold

Newgrange Gold’s Jack Rogers: ‘I have become far more card orientated in the last number of years. This can be problematic at times, as tapping can be far too easy.’

Are you a saver or a spender?

A little of both, I try to put some money away in the credit union on a monthly basis. I find it a good way because I am not able to access it easily, thus helping with saving. I also use prepaid cards, like Revolut, to save for holidays and other purchases.

Do you shop around for better value?

This really depends on my mood and what I am buying. I tend to shop around for bigger purchases. Other things influence me more when buying smaller items, such as quality and provenance, for example.


What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

I fly fish, and I recently purchased an Irish lough fishing boat. This was an extravagant purchase for me as I only get out on it a couple of times a year, but it gives me greater opportunities when I do.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

The €100 subscription for the angling club on the river Boyne is great value, as, for up to four months of the year, you can have salmon, sea trout and trout angling. It is hard to put a value on getting away from everything for a few hours.

How do you prefer to shop – online or local?

I try to do a mixture of both. Value is certainly available online but sometimes you have to be able to feel what you are buying. Food would be the exception – this I always buy from retail shops.

Do you haggle over prices?

I haggle a little when in a suitable situation, such as markets or the like. But in retail outlets I tend not to, as I understand they may have higher overheads.

Has the recession changed your spending habits?

Yes, I tend to try and save more, but old habits have crept back in. I find it hard not to get a tea or coffee at a petrol station, which can be expensive.

Do you invest in shares?

I do not. I may in the future, but only with some good advice. I need to educate myself on it before I could take a risk on shares.

Cash or card?

I have become far more card orientated in the last number of years. This can be problematic at times, as tapping can be far too easy. Yet I feel I have better control of my finances if I can see what comes out of my account and from where.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

I bought two punnets of Clarke’s Strawberries on my way to my girlfriend last night. The punnet was made of the same material as an egg box, so they’re doing their bit for the planet. I thought they were a good price for the effort being made to change.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?

I saved for part of my current car and took a credit union loan out for the rest. Upon reflection, a car is a bad investment, but living in the countryside you cannot be without one.

Have you ever lost money?

As a child I lost a £50 note given to me as luck money after we purchased a prize Charolais bull. The amount would have bought a lot of sweets at the time and I was devastated.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win?

I am not a gambler and don’t really get enjoyment from it. I don’t think you have much control of the situation and feel the odds are against the punter.

Is money important to you?

Having a good quality of life is important, and money plays a part in that, but it is not the be all and end all. Too much or too little money can bring problems. I am just trying to find the money equivalent of the Goldilocks zone.

How much money do you have on you now?

I have no cash in my pocket and have only a current account card, which I basically try to pay for everything with. That includes a 20-cent banana in the local convenience shop during the week. I got the “are you joking!” look from the cashier.

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea