‘ I pay for the stock from the store, even my own designs’

Me & My Money: Suzie Monaghan, Monaghan’s Cashmere

Suzie Monaghan: ‘I put a percentage of my salary every month towards our summer holiday’

Are you a saver or a spender?

A bit of both. I put a percentage of my salary every month towards our summer holiday and any surprises that might crop up, like the leak in our bathroom this year. Then there is the spender in me that could go to the shops for a newspaper and come back with a pair of shoes!

Do you shop around for better value?

No, not really, I’m a cost-per-wear kinda gal in that I buy quality pieces that last. I’ll always check out the sales and if I get a quality piece at a discounted price, all the better.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did cost? Our family home. What did it cost? Way too much.


What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? This is going to sound self-promoting but, hand on heart I would have to say every piece I've ever bought from Monaghan's Cashmere.  Yes, I pay for the stock from store, even my own designs. My daughter is wearing some of the pieces I owned and wore at her age.

How do you prefer to shop – online or local? Local, always. I don't shop online, whether it be clothing or food, as I need to touch, feel and try. Plus, the personal touch adds to the whole shopping experience and that's what we try and deliver in the store. I love visiting my local deli and my local butcher. You don't get the banter online, and I love a bit of banter!

Do you haggle over prices? Certainly not with retail. When I'm in a department store, I get my loyalty discounts. And never, ever with an independent store. I understand their overheads.  If I'm dealing with a builder or solicitor then I will haggle.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? Not really. I definitely spend a bit less, but I have always bought good quality that will stand the test of time. My mom brought us up that way.  It's ingrained in me.

Do you invest in shares? I did once and lost. Never again.

Cash or card? Card, I never carry much cash.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? A skirt and top for my daughter, and a pair of trousers for my son. On sale less 30 per cent – I was delighted.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? Yes, my husband and I both turned 50 last year. We saved for a year and a half to celebrate in Sandy Lane, Barbados. It was worth every last cent.

Have you ever lost money? Sadly, yes. We bought a property as an investment and the builder went bust, as did our money. That was a very tough pill to swallow.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win? Not usually, but on occasion, if my dad and my brother have a horse running, I may. They bred a racehorse called Trip To Paris, that was running at Royal Ascot for the Gold Cup in 2015. He won, as did I. I think I won €320, I couldn't believe it.

Is money important to you? As long as we've enough to pay bills, and take care of our family, then I'm happy. The rest is a bonus, not a necessity.

How much money do you have on you now? Let me check. I bought lunch for myself and a homeless lady on Dawson Street, and a bottle of water for John, who works with me. Three cent! That's what's left.

in conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea

Suzie Monaghan, Monaghan's Cashmere, 21 South Anne Street, Dublin 2. https://monaghanscashmere.ie/