‘I would never really have shopped online before Covid’

Me & My Money: David Walsh, Blackhawk Network

Blackhawk Network senior director of content EMEA David Walsh.

David Walsh is senior director of content EMEA at Blackhawk Network, which provides companies with branded payment programmes.

Are you a spender or a saver?

I am a spender when it comes to my family and living in the moment. With Covid-19, I appreciate family time more than ever and I think we have to enjoy life and treat ourselves.

Do you shop around for better value?


Yes, I would shop around a little bit to make sure I was getting the best value for what I am buying. I always buy Irish in the first instance, too, as I often find that’s where the best value is. It’s so important to support Irish businesses.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

That’s an easy one: my wife’s engagement ring. In my mind, it was really expensive but we’re still married, so it was definitely worth it.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

My wife’s engagement ring!

How did prefer to shop during the Covid-19 restrictions – online or local?

I moved to Portmarnock a few years ago and one thing I really enjoy is supporting our local retailers. I always try to shop local as much as possible, as I believe it is really important to back local shops and suppliers. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic I have had to make more purchases online than ever before, but I still try to spend my money locally when I can.

Do you haggle over prices?

It really all depends on what the item is. If it’s a large item, then I would certainly try and get the best possible deal and push for a lower price. With smaller items I tend to not push so hard.

How has the Covid-19 crisis changed your spending habits?

Covid-19 has certainly changed my habits, as it has everyone in Ireland as I would have never really shopped online before. However, during the lockdown shopping online has in some cases become the only option, so I have definitely been spending more money online since the lockdown.

Do you invest in shares?

No, I invest in my pension when I can, as I know less than nothing about shares.

Cash or card?

Card, for sure. I rarely carry cash and, of late, have Apple Pay on my phone so at times I don’t even use the physical card. I replaced my wallet a few years ago with a small one that only carries cards now and haven’t looked back since.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

Our microwave broke over a month ago, so I had to buy a new one online. I believe it was excellent value and was delivered within a few days.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?

Yes, I’m a big believer in saving and we started by saving for our house. Since then we still continue to save for big-ticket items like holidays, cars and the like.

Have you ever lost money?

Yes, unfortunately. When I was in my mid-20s I made a rash investment without researching it enough and lost quite a bit of money. It taught me a very expensive but valuable lesson.

Are you a gambler and if so, have you ever had a big win?

I’m not a big gambler but, with my father in law, I like placing a few small bets on the Leopardstown festival around Christmas.

Is money important to you? 

When I was younger it was more important, but as the years pass I’ve come to realise that family and friends are far more important than money. Covid-19 has definitely put a different perspective on life for all of us.

How much money do you have on you now?

Right now, I have no cash at all in my wallet.

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea