Me & My Money

Séan Rocks , radio presenter

Are you a saver or a spender?
Unfortunately, I'm more of a spender.

Do you shop around for better value?
I use a couple of different supermarkets for food and household stuff. I keep an eye on prices and would be aware of where I can get best value for different items. There are times, however, when convenience and time pressure take precedence over value considerations.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?
I once bought a pair of Prada shoes at £200 about 15 years ago. I was working as an actor and £200 was an awful lot of money. (I think they were reduced from £300!). This was an impulse buy and totally out of character – I have been known to agonise for ages over the purchase of a five-pack of socks for €3.99. I just really liked the shoes.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?
Recently, the power supply on my laptop gave up. It was a problem with the lead. My cover plan is nearing the end of its five years but the new lead is already in the post. I generally buy extended cover plans with appliances and they usually pay for themselves within a few years. Although the Prada shoes also get a look in – I still have them! Granted, they're only used for special occasions, but I brought them to a traditional cobbler to be resoled a few years back – it cost €75. He raved about the quality of the shoe: I feel they still look and feel as good as they did when I first bought them.


What ways do you prefer to shop – online or locally?
I grew up in a shop-owning family so it's local every time. I couldn't buy food without seeing it and I couldn't buy clothes without seeing, feeling and trying them on.

Has the recession changed your spending habits?
I watch things a lot more closely now, and I record everything I spend on a spreadsheet in an attempt to stick to a budget.

Cash or card?
Debit card and cash back is the most usual transaction.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?
Takeaway coffee and a croissant in my local shop. Better value than sitting down in a coffee shop, but I could have made it at home at a fraction of the cost, I suppose.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?
I've saved for holidays, but not really for once-off purchases.

Have you ever lost money?
I left €30 in a self-service machine in a shop recently. It was a cashback situation. When I went back it was gone – and yes, I felt stupid.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win?
The Grand National is as far as it goes for me and gambling. The most I've ever won is €10 or €20.

How much money do you have on you now?
€49.73. I took €50 from an ATM last night on the way home from work.

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea