Me & My Money

Andy Noonan, founder and organiser of the Big Grill BBQ Festival

Andy Noonan: “The Big Grill Festival, initially quite a risky venture, is going from strength to strength after three years, so all of the hard work setting it up is starting to pay off.”

Are you a saver or a spender? I have always been more of a spender. However, I became much more disciplined in my mid-20s, when I had to start saving for what I wanted, and there wasn't so much money around.

Do you shop around for better value? Most of the time, but I have been known to make the odd impulsive purchase – mostly when it comes to kitchen gadgets.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? A BMW M3 for €13,000 when I was 21 to drive to a festival in the Austrian Alps. I was a car salesman at the time, so it was a second-hand car. Let's just say it never made it to the festival.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? The half-tonne, lump-of-steel, Texas smoker I bought (for the love of BBQ) which now resides in Fowl Play, our new BBQ joint in the Square Ball pub, which is at 45 Hogan Place, Dublin. It will also be on show at the Big Grill BBQ Festival. It churns out a phenomenal amount of smoked meats for its size, so it's already paid for itself.


How do you prefer to shop – online or local? Locally, mainly. I love buying from people who are passionate about what they do. Especially when it comes to food and drink. For electronics and cooking gadgets, I generally go online.

Do you haggle over prices? Yes. Everything is negotiable, but when I see top quality I will go the distance. What I don't believe in is short-changing anyone; we all need to make a living.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? Yes – it definitely made me reconsider the true meaning of "value", especially when it comes to eating out. For my generation, I think fine dining is almost a thing of the past.

Do you invest in shares? Not at the moment.

Cash or card? Card, that way I can keep better track of our spending. As you might imagine with the Big Grill Festival, there are so many different aspects to the financials that you have to keep it very tight at all times in order to have a clear picture of what your outgoings are versus your income stream.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? A new fit out for my home office. Ikea was having a sale, so I got a pretty good deal.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? Yes, for a three-month learning sabbatical in southeast Asia, as well as all the aforementioned grills and smokers.

Have you ever lost money? Yes, but thankfully not on recent ventures.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win? While I do take risks in business, I don't gamble very often. I once won €327 at Cheltenham, but that was by pure fluke.

Is money important to you? Not as important as happiness and freedom. But, because they're intrinsically linked, I would say yes. I am very lucky that I love what I do, and the talented, passionate chefs that I have the privilege to work with. The Big Grill Festival, initially quite a risky venture, is going from strength to strength after three years, so all of the hard work setting it up is starting to pay off. This has given me the confidence to open Fowl Play, so life is good at the moment.

How much money do you have on you now? €77.44.

The Big Grill BBQ Festival, takes place in Herbert Park, Dublin, August 11th-14th.

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