Me & My Money: Anne O’Dwyer, managing director, Duff & Phelps’ Ireland

I’ve no problem negotiating and haggling when I’m in work mode, but for some reason I’m not so good at it when it comes to personal purchases

Anne O’Dwyer: “I’ve played a few games of roulette and blackjack but never for big amounts – I’m an accountant at heart, so risk-taking doesn’t come naturally to me”

Anne O’Dwyer, managing director of valuers and corporate adviser Duff & Phelps Ireland;

Are you a saver or a spender? I've never been great at saving – my Communion money was probably spent before the day was out! If I have a target to work towards, then I'm good at saving, but usually only until I reach the target. Then I'm straight back to old habits.

Do you shop around for better value? I am quite decisive when it comes to shopping, so I would usually carry out some price comparison online and, once I find what I'm looking for, I go in and purchase. I'm not great at spending the day going from one shop to the next looking for best value – patience is not a strength of mine, so I find going online really handy for that.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? With the exception of the house and car, my most extravagant purchase was a designer handbag, which was bought as a reward when I got promoted to partner. I spent more than I should have, but got great satisfaction out of buying it. And it still gets plenty of use, so I've now convinced myself it was good value.


What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? Based on my previous answer, maybe it was the handbag! That said, I'd be lost without my phone or iPad, so probably either of those.

How do you prefer to shop – online or local? I rarely purchase anything online; I use it to check out reviews and price comparison and I always try and buy local.

Do you haggle over prices? I've no problem negotiating and haggling when I'm in work mode, but for some reason I'm not so good at it when it comes to personal purchases. However, when I'm on holidays, after a glass of sangria my haggling skills pick up immensely!

Has the recession changed your spending habits? Yes, I think I'm now more likely to look around online to make sure I'm getting good value before a big purchase. I also no longer really use my credit card for shopping. I only make a purchase when I have the funds in the bank account; thankfully for me, credit card bills are now a thing of the past.

Do you invest in shares? No, the sensible accountant in me has kept me from dabbling in shares.

Cash or card? Usually debit card.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? My most recent purchase was a present for a friend's birthday. Her reaction meant it was definitely good value for money.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? Yes, I moved house about a year and half ago and there was a lot of work to be done when I bought it. I had saved for a year before buying and got great satisfaction out of seeing my hard- earned money being invested in the house.

Have you ever lost money? I lost some money, not a big amount, on an investment during the boom. It was the first investment I had made, so it has made me a lot more cautious when it comes to investing going forward.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win? I've been to Las Vegas a couple of times and love the atmosphere of the place. I've played a few games of roulette and blackjack but never for big amounts – I'm an accountant at heart, so risk-taking doesn't come naturally to me!

Is money important to you? It's far from the most important thing to me. However, I work hard and like to be able to enjoy my free time and look after those around me, so money certainly makes life easier.

How much money do you have on you now? I've €28.20 in my wallet. In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea